Hands-on habitat restoration activities are a great opportunity for the public to be involved in a meaningful way here at the Bay without making any long-term commitment AND important to the long-term protection of Bay’s environment. Service learning hours are available for students and groups are welcome. During the rainy season, native plants are planted. At other times of the year the activities are more maintenance oriented, and include removal of non-native plants and temporary watering of the new natives. All restoration activities are planned by Newport Bay Conservancy, Project Grow, Orange County Parks, California Department of Fish & Wildlife or City of Newport Beach, with the support of NBC volunteers.
Become a Weed Warrior and help us target those key areas to restore!
2025 Training TBA
Weed warriors will map invasive species along trails of the bay from February to July, using the ArcGIS FieldMaps application. Each volunteer will walk and survey an assigned route at minimum once per month. Weed warrior trails are all around the bay and vary in difficulty and length. Some weed warrior trails are on flat pavement, and others meander through dirt trails along the bluffs. If you already enjoy hiking, this is a great way to contribute to protecting our bay while you’re out on the trails. Along the way you’ll become more familiar with the plants and wildlife of the bay, and see its seasonal changes. Open to adults, 18+. For more information, contact Restoration Coordinator, Chris Fabela at chris.fabela@newportbay.org.
ASL Restoration
Newport Bay Conservancy received funding from US Fish & Wildlife Service and the Orange County Community Foundation for a 5-year project to eliminate invasive Algerian Sea Lavender (ASL) from the Bay. Volunteer groups go out to remove the plant either by hand pulling or covering dense areas with black plastic sheeting on Wednesday mornings. For information or to reserve your place, please contact Newport Bay Conservancy’s Restoration Coordinator, Chris Fabela at chris.fabela@newportbay.org. All participants must sign an online waiver prior to attending. For those under 18, this must be signed by a guardian.
Big Canyon Restoration
Join us on Thursday mornings for restoration in Big Canyon, 9am-12pm. In 2021, the Big Canyon nature park was cleared of invasive pepper trees and restored with a mosaic of over 28,000 native plants. Volunteers help to protect the native plant installments by removing non-native plant species. Volunteers can also expect to come away from the event knowing more about native habitats, restoration, and watershed stewardship. Non-native plant removal occurs nearly year-round, and plants are installed in the rainy season. To reserve your space, visit RestoreBigCanyon.eventbrite.com.
Sow and Grow Fridays
A small crew routinely works in the native plant nursery at the Back Bay Science Center in seasonal activities like seed collection, sowing seed flats, transplanting seedlings, pruning, processing cuttings, composting, pot washing, weeding, and maintaining our nursery space. Participants must be 13+ with guardian present at all times. Interested in bringing out your group of up to 10 people? Contact Restoration Coordinator, Chris Fabela at chris.fabela@newportbay.org for availability on Friday mornings.
Bayview Restoration
Newport Bay Conservancy continues to maintain some of the upper and lower part of the Bayview area of the Bay. Restoration takes place on selected Friday mornings. For information or to reserve your place, please contact us at info@newportbay.org. A signed waiver is needed for each participant. For those under 18, this must be signed by a guardian.
ROOTS Restoration
Hosted by Project Grow, the public can participate in restoration activities on selected Tuesday and Saturday mornings in Newport Valley. Under 14 must be accompanied by a guardian. For information or to reserve your place, please contact David Flores, dflores@projectgrowca.org.
Upper Newport Bay Habitat Stewards
Join Orange County Parks Staff at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center on one selected Saturday each month from 9am-12pm to enhance the Nature Preserve habitat for local wildlife. Activities may include non-native plant removal, planting natives, watering, trash cleanup, and Butterfly Garden maintenance. No experience is necessary; please bring a hat, sunscreen, snacks, etc. Water and tools are provided. All ages are welcome. Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. To reserve your place, visit letsgooutside.org. For more information you can also contact OC Parks at 949-923-2295 or unbic@ocparks.com. A signed waiver is needed for each participant. For those under 18, this must be signed by a guardian.
Hosted between September and February when the bird breeding season is over we organize mini trash cleanup events both from kayaks and from land in partnership with various local organizations. Have a group you’d like to bring out for a cleanup? Contact Education Manager Hilary Cunningham at hilary.cunningham@newportbay.org to coordinate. For these events, everything is provided but make sure to wear close-toed shoes (long, rubber boot are great) and pants that you don’t mind getting a little muddy.
For other activities with Orange County Parks, visit Let’sGoOutside.org and search “stewardship” or “trail work”. Restoration events are offered throughout the county that an individual or group may participate in.